How Did This Website Performance On Social Media March to June 2020

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Website Performance On Social Media March to June 2020
Ever wanted to start a successful blog or website?
Same here!, that’s why I am going to keep track of the traffic that this website generates on a quarterly basis.
Then I will be sharing this data with YOU in order to see the growth of a successful blog from Start to “Finish”.
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Who will benefit from this data?
This data will help me in finding out, how different social media platforms help Investing On The Go expand and have more monthly views, which is more potential revenue.
How will this will help you?
By sharing the data with you, you will be able to jump over the steps I took that slowed me down or just didn’t work.
I would love to run across a website that at the start of their journey tracked what exact steps they took to get noticed, what they tried, wrote, thoughts, etc.
Let me know in the comment section if this is something you’d like to see more of in the future publicly!
The social media platforms I started with
Which social media platforms are really the best for growth?
We are going to go ahead and cover the ones I started with, and in the next set I am going to begin to test and expand on them.
I started with Facebook and Instagram, directing traffic to this website to make it simple, as both Facebook and Instagram are integrated.
I thought I would get decent traction from the use of these social media platforms.
I wanted to start with the FREE options and was logged into Facebook at the time.
So the very first thing was I created a Facebook Business Page called Investing On The Go. I added a logo, background, and message, and was ready to go.
From there I shared it on my personal Facebook page and asked if any friends were interested in learning how to Make, Save, and Invest Money to follow my page.
I had 8 friends follow from the start, and soon there were 15 likes on my page – but that’s when it began to slow down and the page views and likes stopped.
The post reach was hitting 111, but that was a 28-day range because I was sharing it with my personal page.
Over the past 3 months, my posts reached ~370 and had around 200 post engagements.
Blog Data showed;
In March I had 10 visitors, 17 were referred from Facebook.
In April I had 36 visitors (slowly growing), 21 were referred from Facebook, 3 from IG, and a few others.
In May I had 44 visitors (slowly growing), Only 11 were referred from Facebook, and the rest from search.
It was slowly growing, but only a few people really found the Facebook page, and some of the posts didn’t refer back to my website.
The engagement was decent, but mainly created from sharing the information to my own personal page, but I wanted to do this so that my friends would come to me with their questions as it provides topics of discussion and possible ideas for future content.
I went to Instagram after Facebook was set up and went, why?
It’s FREE and it integrates easily with Facebook to share your posts, stories and it can also help generate new followers to your blog and Facebook page.
My Instagram page @InvestingOnTheGo has made 58 followers in the past 3 months – I feel this is a sizable amount.
My main focus has been creating content here on the blog as I’m not really able to monetize Instagram yet, I still want to build a following there and direct them to my Facebook, and to this Blog where I have more control of the offers, links, content.
I made a Linktree account which is a very helpful FREE tool that allows you to have one link and connect your audience to all your other content.
Check out my link here, this link can direct followers from Instagram to your blog, Facebook page, or anything else you want in a single URL below your bio!
Looking at Insights on Instagram, in a Week I posted 5 times and put 5 stories (The posts), these posts were viewed 240 times!
These views came from 196 different accounts across Instagram which I think is awesome.
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YouTube / Pinterest
These are two platforms I have signed up for but have yet to create any content on.
I understand that these two are going to potentially be the biggest source of opportunity for growth on the blog.
These will be my main focus in the months of June – August 2020, so if you are not yet subscribed to my Youtube page, what are you waiting for?
Pinterest offers a lot of opportunities to also direct viewers to your blog – but not a site I am familiar with so I will take a bit of time to research and start sharing information.
In summary
Looking at the scalability of Instagram, I see there is much more potential to be seen on both Instagram and Facebook.
The information I share is seen more often, and by more potential viewers/followers that will check out the blog.
I need to work on improving traffic to the blog from IG, but this will be another opportunity to learn and in the end, it’s 100% beneficial to creating a scalable business.
I will be covering this information along with the new platforms YouTube and Pinterest in the next quarterly update so remember to check back if you found this page helpful!
Which social media platform will you start with?
Depending on who you ask, you might get a few different answers to the question.
However, the question you should be asking is: “Which is most comfortable for you?”
Do you enjoy getting in front of a camera (YouTube), and creating images/lists (Instagram/Pinterest), or maybe you’ll have better luck with Facebook
There are many more social media platforms that are not listed, but these 4 are the ones I have found most bloggers start with.
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– Investing On The Go