6 Ways To Set and Achieve Your Goals
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6 Ways To Set and Achieve Your Goals

6 Ways To Set and Achieve Your Goals

This is YOUR year to set and achieve the goals you’ve been wanting to do!

Goals help you focus on what matters most and can be used as a reference point if you get off track.

Plus, posting your objectives online for people to see what you’re working on and what you’ve accomplished is a terrific method to hold yourself accountable!

Below I’m going to share with you my 6 ways you can set and achieve your very own goals too!

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Your Goals Need To Be;


Make your goal as precise as possible.

What, why, where, and when do you wish to achieve your objective?

Who is involved in this?

What kind of resources will be required?


Are you able to track and measure your progress toward your goal?

How much is it?

How many are there?

Will you be able to tell, when you’ve completed it?


Based on your existing lifestyle, are you able to take practical steps toward your goal?

How can you know if you’ll be able to achieve your goal?


Is the time you’ll spend on your objective worthwhile?
Is now the greatest time to set this goal?
Is this goal relevant to your efforts/needs to attain other goals?


A time-bound goal can help you focus on and finish the effort necessary to achieve your goal.


What do you think you’ll be able to get done today/this month?

What can I do in three months?

What can I do in the next 6-12 months?


Are you able to evaluate your progress toward achieving your objective, going back to being measurable?

Are you partly there, halfway there, almost there?

So far, what has worked?

What didn’t go as planned?

What can I accomplish more efficiently or effectively?

Keeping track of your current goals on a monthly basis might help you stay on track and perhaps motivate you to complete them sooner.


Be prepared to make adjustments in 3/6/9 months. Changes in health, relationships, and other aspects of life might occur.

Is it possible to change your goal-shooting strategy for the next phase because your initial targets have blown you away?

When life throws you a curveball, you may need to take a step back and reconsider your objectives.


To define and hold yourself accountable, write down your goals in a clear and simple manner.

My goals are printed and hung in my office so that I can quickly see them.

My Example Goal 1: By December 2021, I plan to max out my M1 Finance Roth IRA by investing $115.38 weekly for 52 weeks.

My Example Goal 2: I plan to reach 5000 subscribers by uploading two videos per week to my YouTube channel and creating material based on subscriber queries and feedback.

My Example Goal 3: I am going to purchase a new home in early 2021 by completing and returning all necessary documents as soon as possible.


Break down your goals into small, manageable steps to achieve them.

Goals remind me of boulders or stepping stones across a river; your destination is on the other side.

What steps do you need to do in order to get there?

What is your timeframe?


Maintaining attention and discipline throughout your development will help you stay focused on your objectives.

Because these are your objectives, no one else can help you achieve them.

Consider posting your goals on social media or sharing them with your partner if you believe it will help. There are online support groups that can support you through the process.


Rewarding yourself will help you remember the good things you’ve done thus far.

This helps because it acknowledges that you did a good job, and it motivates you to do more!

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Effective procedures and habits make it easier to accomplish your goals on a consistent basis.

It can be difficult to execute, review, and improve on a regular basis.

To combat this, work on developing systems to assist you to do your work faster.

If your objective is to make two Youtube videos every week, for example, keep a list of video ideas/topics on a notepad.

To make it easier, you can construct an outline in which you simply fill in the blanks of your primary message and essential points for your video.


You’re ready to start setting and attaining your goals.

With these 6 stages, you’ll be able to significantly increase your goals, timeframe, and completion rate.

I hope you found this post useful in setting and achieving your goals.

Please let me know if you have any questions or recommendations for this article in the comments box below.

Thanks For Taking Your Time To Read This,

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