How to Add a Mailchimp Popup to Your WordPress Site

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How to Add a MailChimp Popup to Your WordPress Site
Did you know Mailchimp has a feature that allows you to add a Mailchimp popup to your WordPress site?
This is an area I have seen many bloggers struggle with, so here is a quick guide to add a popup using MailChimp!
The great thing is, this can be done for FREE using MailChimp.
Mailchimp offers a popup form that you can create, customize, and add to your site easily.
So without wasting much time let’s get started in bring a popup subscription to your site!
Get a Sign-Up Bonus With The Best Active Checking Account!
Time to head over to MailChimp’s site and claim your FREE account,
- Head To
- Click on Sign in, or Sign Up FREE and create your account.
- Verify your account via their email sent.
- Complete your onboarding process to finish up your account
This portion has changed, so if you know someone who is new looking to get a MailChimp popup set up.
Share and forward them this page to get them going easily.
From the Dashboard select Audience and scroll down and select Signup forms.
From here you will select Embedded forms.
Once inside the embedded forms, you will be able to select different premade options.
These options include Classic, Condensed, Horizontal, Unstyled, and Advanced.
Go through these options and choose how you want it customized.
Copy your code at the bottom, or choose to use the form builder for more advanced settings.
I did choose to use the form builder and customized my fields.
Using the form builder, I made the following changes;
- Build It Tab, I choose to remove all fields besides First Name, and their Email Address and made these Required fields
- Design It Tab, I adjusted the Background Color, Changed the Header Text, Centered the Referral Badge.
From here I selected Signup forms to return and selected Embedded forms
Copy your code at the bottom, or choose to use the form builder for more advanced settings.
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You are almost there, you have the code – Now What?
You have 3 options to choose from;
Option 1 Add code to the <head> of your theme:
Depending on your theme and comfort level with code, this will be easy or hard.
Paste the code before the </head>, but if you ever update your theme this may cause this customization to disappear.
I would not recommend this method unless using a child theme.
Option 2 Simple Plugin Option:
Download and install Plugin, Insert Headers, and Footers.
Here you will just paste your code into the header portion and Save.
Option 3 Advanced Plugin Option:
Download, and install Plugin, PopupAlly.
Once installed, on the sidebar select PopupAlly.
On the Display Settings page (1), select Popup 1 (or create a new one if you’re already using the plugin).
Configure these settings the way you would like your popup to be shown, I set mine after 5 seconds.
Next, select the Style Settings, here is where you will paste your MailChimp embedded code you copied earlier.
If you do not like the look of the popup, you can always customize the look and feel to your popup using the instant preview.
Once you have completed your look and feel, hit Save when complete.
You can test your popup, by opening a new browser incognito and heading to your site.
Here is an example of what mine looked like.
I used Option 3 and installed PopupAlly and configured to request First Name and Email.
Don’t forget to enter your name and email on the right-hand side and subscribe for future content!
Congratulations, you have now added a MailChimp popup to your WordPress site.
You will now be able to request new and revisiting visitors to subscribe to your blog.
This will allow them to keep up to date with new posts, and for you to grow your list to keep in touch and promote your content.
I hope this article has helped you in creating an automated email campaign in Mailchimp If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know in the comment section below.
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